Water Walking - Is a very basic, low-impact, light-intensity workout using the natural resistance of the water to strengthen core musculature, increase balance, coordination and flexibility. Water Walking is appropriate for those just starting an exercise program or those interested in water exercise.  

Aquacise/Aqua Intervals - A total body workout using a variety of quicker paced exercises held in shallow water. This class combines light aerobic workout with muscle strengthening and flexibility. Participants may use equipment to enhance workout.

AquaHIIT – This 45-minute high-intensity class is a mix of shallow and deep-water movements for swimmers of all fitness levels who are looking for a challenge in the pool. All movements can be modified but basic water comfort is required.

Water/Land Fitness Cards are available to members at $12 a month for unlimited classes. 
Contact the Front Desk for more information or to purchase a card.